Looking to be a part of the best week of the year?
Apply today for summer camp 2025!
The Camp Catanese Foundation is a comprehensive college-preparation program for first-generation college students in Phoenix. Our program consists of a one-week science, math, and college preparatory camp held annually at Arizona State University's West Campus, weekend retreats held throughout the year, free ACT prep tutoring sessions on Saturdays, and educational field trips! Each program helps 7th - 12th grade students to receive information on how to access college in a fun and engaging setting!
View our FY24 Annual Report
Learn more about camp catanese!
"Camp Catanese and the staff changed my life. I never thought I would graduate high school and now I'm enrolled in college! My mom and I are forever grateful to Mr. Cat and the amazing staff for all the opportunities they gave me and my friends!"
-Kimberly G.
The Camp Catanese Foundation is an Arizona nonprofit corporation and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.